



KAMAKURA Neurosurgery

頭痛 Headache

めまい Dizziness

もの忘れ Dementia

脳卒中 Stroke

脳動脈瘤 Brain aneurysm

脳ドック Brain screening

健康診断・予防接種 Health checkup, Vaccination

その他内科 Internal medicine

A message from the director of the clinic

Doctor Yoriko Kato

It gives me great pride and great pleasure to be able to provide medical services to the people of Kamakura, where I was born and raised.

Although the word “Neurosurgery” might make you think of serious brain diseases or incurable conditions, we commonly treat symptoms that people can suffer in daily life, such as headaches, dizziness, and forgetfulness. We also make diagnoses and provide treatment for strokes, including cerebral infarctions and cerebral aneurysms, as well as migraines, dementia etc.

Considering the healthy life expectancy enjoyed by people in Japan, preventive medicine and the appropriate treatment for strokes and dementia have become significant medical issues facing Japanese society.

For the health of everyone living in the community, it is our aim, through neurosurgical care, to provide medical advice and care supporting your healthy daily lives.

Please feel free to contact us.